Tapu transfer application process
Some useful information today on the Tapu transfer application process and documents required :
From the buyer DAB certificate, I D form , photo, passport, DASK /Earthquake insurance
From the seller, I D form, passport , photo / POA, TAPU
We give in all these documents to the official land registry Tapu office for the Tapu application.They put through all the information into the system to check all is legally correct and there are no outstanding debts taxes on the subject property.
We then wait for a text message saying all is ready to pay the property purchase Tax. This is done either online or at the determined ATM bank. Once this is done and the seller has received full payment part bank transfer part cash. ( As agreed in the sales contract )
Both parties / whoever’s POA will be present at the Tapu office to sign over the property. For a foreign national an official translator must be used.
In the official TAPU room both parties will be explained what they are signing over. Once this is accepted both will sign in the land/property registration book . This is a secure procedure and is done within a camera recorded room. The new Tapu is then draw up according and presented to the new home owner .
From start of application to finish it could be 2-3 days .