Power of Attorney ( POA )
Power of Attorney ( POA )
This month we have 3 property sales to complete. A couple of which our clients can be not be here in person therefore they will give (POA) power of attorney to authorise another person who is present here in Turkey to handle all the proceedings on their behalf.
This can be done in the UK with a professional solicitor who knows the buying/selling process in Turkey. (We can recommend) if required. They will draw up the POA in English with your personal details and what is to be included within the document such as signing over a property, handling and transfer of money/bank account .
Required documents to give a power of attorney – Your original passport and its translation, tax number and two passport photos.
The current estimated cost in the UK with courier notary and apostil stamp is 410 GBP for 1 signature 440 GBP for 2 signatures (please note this may vary from professional to professional and the services included in the fee)
The POA document will then need to be officially translated in Turkey by a professional registered approved translator at the notary with an authorised stamp .
Estimated cost 10.000 TL – 12.000 TL (250 GBP – 300 GBP) again this can vary from the services provided.
If you are already present in Turkey and believe that at a such time it will be more convenient for you to give POA to another trusted authorised person for either selling or buying property/land. The POA can be drawn up in Turkish at a local notary providing all the information needed this document will stand for as long as the period you request at the time.
Estimated fees same as above.
We hope that you found this information of some use and could be helpful to you in the future.