29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlu olsun! 29 October Celebrating the Republic day of Turkey
29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlu olsun! 29 October Celebrating the Republic day of Turkey
The Republic Day of Turkey is one of the most important official public holidays and national festivals in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the republic on 29 October in 1923.
On the anniversary each year many people in Turkey celebrate Republic Day on October 29 by partaking in customary parades attending performances and participating in traditional processions with flags and musical bands. Many school children participate in school performances watched by the parents and teachers.In some cities politicians may give public speeches on this day Also people will lay wreaths at Ataturks monuments or visit Ataturks mausolem in the countrys capital of Ankara. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk The Turkish Republic’s founder proclaimed Republic Day as Turkey’s the most important national holiday.
After Turkey’s triumph in the War of Independence, the Turkish parliament declared the new Turkish state as a republic. Another constitution, which the parliament received on October 29, 1923, supplanted the constitution of the Ottoman Empire.
On the same day, the leader in the Turkish War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, became Turkey’s first president.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk announced that Turkey would be a republic and renamed it as the Republic of Turkey. Turkey had successfully been a republic from April 23rd, 1920 (the foundation of Grand National Assembly of Turkey) however official acknowledgment of this came a couple of years later. On 29 October 1923, the new name of the country and its status as a republic was pronounced. From that point forward, a vote happened in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and M.K.Ataturk was chosen as the principal leader first president of the Republic of Turkey by consistant vote. From that point forward, each year on October 29th is celebrated as Republic Day in Turkey.
On October 29, 1923, the recently perceived Turkish parliament (TBMM) declared the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, officially marking the end of the Ottoman Empire. On the same day, Mustafa Kemal, who led the Turkish National War of Liberation and was later named Atatürk (father of Turks), was consistently elected as the first president of the Republic.
Turkey had adequately been a republic from April 23, 1920 when the Grand National Assembly was initiated in Ankara. At the point when the Turkish parliament held its first meeting in 1920, virtually every corner of the distintegrating Ottoman Empire was under the control of Allied forces. Exasperated by the Ottoman government’s powerlessness to battle the occupation, the nationwide opposition movement development picked up force. With the Allied control of Istanbul, and the disintegration of the Ottoman Parliament, Mustafa Kemal’s legitimization for opening the opposition movement’s new authoritative body was created.
With the launch of the Assembly, Ankara turned into the focal point of the Turkish national battle for liberation. The National War of Liberation ended in the liberation of Anatolia from foreign occupation, the global recognition of modern Turkey’s borders by the Treaty of Lausanne and finally, the establishing of the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. Republic Day- is an official Turkish holiday celebrated every year across Turkey and by peoples of Turkish legacy world over.
Following the founding of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk embarked on a wide-ranging set of reforms in the political, monetary and cultural aspects of Turkish society. These changes have left an enduring tradition of which the peoples of Turkish heritage are proud: the transformation of the recently founded Republic into the present current, majority rule democratic and common Turkish state.